What ASIRT Does

Informs Travelers

The safest traveler is the well-informed traveler. While road safety conditions in a country affect its own citizens, travelers remain a highly vulnerable group of road users in any country due to their lack of familiarity with the local road laws, road culture, road conditions and travel options. Prepare yourself by using ASIRT’s road safety resources and become a member of one of our road safety programs.

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Advocates for Road Safety

ASIRT believes that government plays a crucial role in global road safety in terms of policy, enforcement, and infrastructure. While the road safety situation in the United States is comparatively impressive, American travelers remain especially vulnerable to global road safety conditions abroad. ASIRT therefore encourages the U.S. government to make improving global road safety a priority, as well as to maintain the position of the U.S. as a road safety model. In this regard, ASIRT is works with Congress, Department of State and Department of Transportation to help raise awareness about global road safety.

U.S. Congress

U.S. Department of State

U.S. Department of Transportation

Works with the International Community

ASIRT is a leader in the global road safety community, informing and cooperating with the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN) and the World Bank, as well as multi-national corporations and governments. ASIRT is active in forums throughout the world, where participants meet to share best practices and consult on new initiatives and policies in the context of global road safety.

ASIRT works with U.S. embassies and businesses in focus countries, partnering with local non-governmental organizations, to develop sustainable locally-based road safety initiatives. ASIRT creates, develops and mentors road safety NGOs and partnerships, working in individual countries and on a regional level. ASIRT works primarily in Turkey and Kenya, although other target countries include Egypt, Israel, Vietnam, Jordan, Nigeria, Russia, Ghana and Uganda.

United Nations

World Health Organization


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